
What is a sponsor

Our sponsors are committed to growing the potential impact DEI has to create more inclusive organizations globally. By sponsoring the DEI Hub, companies aim to offer a centralized hub of free resources and a vibrant community where practitioners can connect, learn, and grow together.

What is DEI Hub

The DEI Hub is your premier destination for diversity, equity, and inclusion guidance. It serves as a catalyst for DEI progress, offering quick access to credible resources and fostering an interactive community of practitioners and experts. Whether you're seeking best practices, industry insights, or networking opportunities, the DEI Hub is your go-to platform for all things DEI.

Benefits of Sponsorship

Enhance your company brand as a supporter of inclusion and reap tangible benefits in terms of building an inclusive culture, enhancing brand credibility, attracting talent, increasing customer loyalty, and contributing to social progress. Becoming a sponsor of the DEI Hub positions your company as a leader in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Join us in driving meaningful change and shaping a more inclusive future.

Join our list of sponsors and put this badge on your website.

DEI Hub Sponsors:

Our values

Engaging in community activities
Regard for the feelings and rights of others
Equal access to opportunities and resources
Assume good intent; extend generosity
