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Set the Tone at the Top: Speaking Up about Inclusion

Support leaders in using their position and voice to advance inclusion.

Status and role can impact who feels comfortable speaking up about inclusion in the workplace. In every encounter of two or more people, a hierarchy exists, whether this is a socially based hierarchy (the most popular / vocal / knowledgeable person) or a structured hierarchy (the most senior person, the boss, the coach, the clergy). It can also be influenced by demographics (e.g., the most senior person in the room may be a woman but if she’s a distinct minority, she may not feel comfortable speaking up to make a case that can be perceived as self-advocacy). in each case, the person at the top of the “food chain” will set the tone for engagement. The environment we find ourselves in will dictate whether employees are vocal, cautious, or muted. When you find yourself in the middle or at the bottom of the hierarchy, what do you do then?


A person’s particular status or role in the organization can afford leeway or prevent them from sharing their beliefs on inclusion. Also, this status or role changes in different contexts, groups and  environments. Before an employee speaks up, they will assess the environment and understand the hierarchy. This helps them determine the level of intimidation or support they can expect for expressing their beliefs. The real challenge comes when the leader isn’t prone to model the right behaviors. This dynamic can lead someone to comply or stay muted when a viewpoint is stated and then express their authentic belief in a different context.


The dominant person in the room sets the tone for whether only views that are in agreement with theirs are shared, whether sharing an alternate viewpoint means you have to be ready for a debate, or whether dissenting viewpoints are thoughtfully considered. If you are top in the hierarchy (social, positional, or demographic), recognize your critical role. Do not misconstrue silence for agreement.  Conflict avoidance is not progress toward inclusion. Only authentic and constructive dialogue will advance progress toward the company mission and values.

Proposed Actions

Valued Guidance

Managers, You’re More Intimidating Than You Think (HBR)How your power silences truth (TEDx)Why Leaders must connect more during times of crisis (Catalyst)Managers’ Guide To Having Essential Conversations (Seramount)The Leadership Strategy To Creating Workplace Psychological Safety (Forbes)Psychological safety and the critical role of leadership development (McKinsey)The Neuroscience of Group Dynamics (Your Brain At Work Podcast)

About the Author

Lee Jourdan Former Chevron’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, he now serves as an independent director with PROS Holdings, and works as a special advisor to FTI Consulting.