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De-Bias Performance Management

Learn how to minimize the effect of unconscious bias in your performance management process.

Despite their best intent, many organizations struggle to build fair performance management processes that recognize and advance talent from various demographic segments  proportionately to their representation within different departments or levels. Without intentionality, unconcsious bias in systems, processes, and people decisions can show up in patterns that favor employees similar to the organization’s dominant leadership demographic profiles.


Research shows that white men tend to be judged on their potential while “prove-it-again groups'' (women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, older employees, and first-generation professionals) are judged (or scrutinized) on their performance. A study of performance evaluations in tech also found that 66% of women’s performance reviews contained at least one negative personality criticism (“You come off as abrasive”) whereas only 1% of men’s reviews did. Data proves that unconscious bias still has huge impact on intentionally objective performance management.


Assess and build performance management processes that have equitable outcomes by addressing these questions:
1. Are the distribution of scores different for different demographic groups?
2. To what degree does your assessment process rely on subjective evidence?
3. Do your criteria consider both the what (factors connected to current business outcomes) and the how (inclusive competencies and behaviors)?

Proposed Actions

Foundational Actions

Growing Actions

Leading Actions

Valued Guidance

Break the Cycle – Eliminating Gender Bias in Talent Management Systems (Catalyst)Identifying Bias in Performance Evaluations (Center for WorkLife Law)Tools for Organizations (Bias Interrupters)Providing feedback (Project Include)Inclusion Nudges in Performance Management (Seramount)Why Most Performance Evaluations Are Biased, and How to Fix Them (HBR)Mitigating bias in performance management (Deloitte)Biases in Performance Evaluations (NeuroLeadership Institute)

About the Author

Voice at the Table Diversity & Inclusion Consultancy and Gender Expert.Inge Woudstra